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Animal lover, music junkie and Twitizen extraordinaire. Love supporting worthy charities and causes however I can.



Changing A Life

Friday, November 12, 2010


I got a text message from my wonderful nephew, Hunter, today. It read: "I have a poem I wrote about Dee...if you think it's good, could you post it on your website?"  The heart of a 14-year old boy is sometimes hard to tap into but this clearly shows he has a big ol' heart of gold that's filled with love and empty with longing for someone who was once a very important part of his life.

Hunter, I do indeed think it's good so I'm sharing it with my friends. I think you may be onto something here and I think it is the beginning of a beautiful ballad. Who knows, maybe we could get someone to put it to music for you.

Changing A Life
by Hunter Love
On that scary October night
She didn't have a clue
Oh how I wish I'd seen
Her one last time before she flew.

I never got to see her much
Because she found new friends
All of our lives changed
For my love for her never ends.

When she left that dreadful night
I woke up to a painful day
Knowing I would never see her again
I begged her and begged her to stay

On a sunny day
Grace filled the funeral home
When we said our goodbyes
All her friends were left alone.